This page contains all information regarding the proposal process for DjangoCon Europe – we will update it regularly as new information becomes available.
The Call for Proposals (CFP) is closed now.
It's a new year. What better way to start it than submitting your talk or workshop for DjangoCon Europe 2025, in beautiful Dublin, Ireland?
We're looking for talks on technical and non-technical topics accessible to all skill levels and submissions from new and seasoned speakers.
If you're asking, "Can I do this?" The answer is yes. If you have a topic that interests you, then it interests us.
If you've got half an idea or are still deciding in any way and want to chat, you can jump on the DjangoCon Europe Slack and find us there.
Please don't be shy; we want to hear from you!
We'll see you in Dublin!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Don't forget to follow us on X @DjangoCon Europe for the latest up to date information!
If you think you have something great to discuss, submit your idea! If you are unsure, talk it over with somebody, or go to Slack to find previous speakers and participants to discuss your idea with. When in doubt, submit your talk 😉!
CfP powered by:
The full conference schedule is available here.
Don't forget to follow us on X(@DjangoConEurope) , Slack or LinkedIn for the latest up-to-date information!
You may think that your idea is not suited to DjangoCon Europe, that you couldn't possibly present it well, or that others will do it better. We want to prove you wrong.
If you would like to ask a question, you are always welcome to write the content committee:
As a speaker, you will not need to buy a ticket since you will gain free entrance to the conference. Of course, if you bought a ticket in advance before being accepted, we will refund it. If you are not selected as a speaker, don't worry; you are still eligible for an early bird ticket.
For companies or employers: The content of a talk should not be directly influenced by commercial interests, but if your company or employer has supported your process for creating and giving the talk (for instance, allowing you to prepare it during working hours), you are always welcome to mention this support during a talk.
Reviewing the talks and tutorials submitted to a conference can be daunting—there is much to consider, and usually, there are more great submissions than slots available in the conference schedule.
We’d like to make our reviewing process and guidelines transparent to every submitter and attendee. This will both show you what will await you during the conference as an attendee and help you understand our decisions regarding your submissions as a submitter.
Moreover, we might prioritize speakers from underrepresented or marginalized groups to increase the conference's social impact.
We will document our selection process on this website and announce it via X(@DjangoConEurope), Slack or LinkedIn
Are you not up to a full talk or tutorial? Are you looking to give your first talk at a conference? Lightning talks are 5 minutes or less on almost any topic you want, with or without slides! Even if you’re nervous or shy, remember: it’s a MAXIMUM of 5 minutes. Every day of the conference will feature a lightning talk slot at the end of the day. Sign-ups will happen during the conference.
Please note: While lightning talks are informal and flexible, they must still adhere to the conference's Code of Conduct